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Renewal EGov With As An Example Automation Government Estonia Dagblad Suriname

reduce time-consuming procedures

On Wednesday, January 25, the e-governance academy of Estonia (eGA) gave a presentation to government representatives on the topic of innovation in e-Government. During his presentation on the ins and outs of e-Gov in Estonia, Chairman Hannes Astok of the eGA board provided explanations.

According to the Communication Service Suriname, CDS, the presentation concentrated on analyses of citizen information, government data, and the promotion of a secure exchange thereof. Astok highlighted the advantages of fully digitizing citizen and governmental information in his presentation.

Digitization, among other things, can reduce time-consuming procedures for citizens to request documents from days to half an hour. This means fewer man hours or working days are required to provide services to the public and government agencies.

The requirement for citizens to physically request documents at an office will no longer require them to travel hours by boat or bus. It is possible to save a significant amount of money by requesting documents online and allowing the appropriate authorities to request data.

Prewien Ramadhin, the coordinator of e-government in Suriname, concurred. Ramadhin naturally concurred with Astok's viewpoints on the subject.

All of the information provided by the CDS in its message regarding the presentation is so obvious and self-evident that you may wonder why it was necessary to deliver it. Undoubtedly, complete automation and digitization of an administration within, say, a ministry or an agency, will benefit both the staff and the citizens in the necessary ways.

It is amazing that someone had to travel from Estonia for this, according to reports. There is no "rocket science" involved in what that man apparently raised.

The CDS continues in its reporting, "The continued digitization will also yield enormous benefits in terms of information provision from the government to citizens, agencies, companies, and investors." Another question is, "How does e-Gov end up in distant Estonia? Why not an expert from Brazil, or even better, the Netherlands?". As a result, conducting business will be much quicker and more enjoyable than in circumstances where things are challenging because of bureaucracy, according to Estonian Astok.

The availability of data is crucial for formulating policy, conducting business, and promoting development, according to Coordinator Ramadhin, who asserts that "a computer cannot be bought.". Digitizing safely and responsibly will also be a tool to suppress corruption.

Practice has often shown that when there is one-one contact and cases are handled physically, the risk of corruption increases. “A computer cannot be bribed,” says Astok.

Hacking That mister Astok seems to be completely wrong here, because a computer can also be bribed. Who does not know the reports and stories about the hacking of computer systems in government agencies, state-owned companies and other companies in many countries.

Who does not know the messages and stories of extortion after a hack? There are universities in countries, who have had to pay many millions to hackers to regain access to their documents, reports, etc. “Make service more pleasant”….

Annela Kilrats, program director e-Governance Training eGA, indicated in her presentation that everything the government does is intended to make the service towards citizens more pleasant, in a safe and responsible manner. According to her, requesting documents can be handled flexibly and efficiently.

Kilrats mentioned some advantages such as online voting, so that citizens do not have to go to a polling station and work remotely. She also said that transparency in which people see who has requested information is also one of the benefits.

“It is better that I know who needs my information and why, because it is my data”, said Kilrats. Ramadhin says that in the coming months the parties will examine the possibilities of raising the level of e-Gov in Suriname.

Common knowledge even to the common citizen So far the CDS message. The message shows that e-Gov flew in two persons from Estonia who put up a story, gave a presentation, which could also have been given by a local expert.

Judging from the contents of the CDS press release, the conclusion could be drawn that the two Estonians actually said little that is not already common knowledge, even among the ordinary citizens in the street. In addition, the question is, what will e-Gov actually do with the information obtained from the two e-Gov experts from the Baltic state of Estonia? And, who will implement everything and who bears the costs? It's about time In short, the renewal of e-Government will apparently be introduced soon, but how, by whom and who will fund it is still completely unclear.

The fact is that it is really about time that Suriname is far behind in terms of automation and digitization of government agencies worldwide and a lot still has to be done with pen and paper and citizens are confronted with a lot of stress, energy and time wastage and annoyance in order to obtain possession of certain documents. PK that it is really time that Suriname lags far behind in terms of automation and digitization of government agencies worldwide and that a lot still has to be done with pen and paper and citizens are confronted with a lot of stress, energy and time wastage and annoyance to get hold of certain documents.

PK that it is really time that Suriname lags far behind in terms of automation and digitization of government agencies worldwide and that a lot still has to be done with pen and paper and citizens are confronted with a lot of stress, energy and time wastage and annoyance to get hold of certain documents. PK.

The fact is that it is really about time that Suriname is far behind in terms of automation and digitization of government agencies worldwide and a lot still has to be done with pen and paper and citizens are confronted with a lot of stress, energy and time wastage and annoyance in order to obtain possession of certain documents.

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